Meet the Author: Sharon Sampson

When Sharon Sampson experienced grief and loss over a sudden passing of a loved one, she was tasked with arranging a funeral, contacting friends, family members, and colleagues, while helping to manage the household of someone who had gone too quickly and unexpectedly.
While going through her loved one's things, a packet of notes was found containing details of personal wishes for funeral arrangements, favorite songs, everything needed to plan the funeral of someone who had no idea when or how they might pass away. This personal experience led Sharon to the realization that "everyone needs" a book like this, a way to organize all of their personal information, funeral detail wishes, end of life planning directives and more.
Using her organization skills and background in event planning, Sharon created the Planning for Paradise books to help give people from every walk of life a way to express the details of how to manage their lives, daily care, personal affairs, and funeral arrangements - if and when they need it.
Beyond general estate planning and funeral information, Sharon has included helpful advice and a structured guide to help people communicate everything they want to say to their loved ones today, before it's too late. She also offers personal coaching services for those seeking help with end of life planning. Sharon believes there is no better time than the present for you to begin Planning for Paradise.
Follow author Sharon K. Sampson on Amazon
Watch a series of short videos about Sharon's story